Python: Parameter passed by value or by reference?

Python: Parameter passed by value or by reference?

What is pass by value (with eg)

What is pass by refernce (with eg)

Turns out, Python follows neither of the above. Python is “Pass by object reference” a.k.a object references are passed by value

What is pass by object reference (with eg)

Now put anomaly example here

import foobar

def foo(x):
    print(x, id(x))
    x +=10
    print(x, id(x))
    return x
a =10
print(a, id(a))
b = foo(a)
print(a, id(a)); print(b, id(b))

#why is the change in value not reflected in 'a'?

Well, it turns out that the variable ‘a’/’x’ was still passed by object reference. But since it is of type int (which is immutable); when it is changes the variable is assigned to a new memory location hence the change is not reflected outside the function

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